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eXp Realty Stock Awards Plan


The fact that eXp Realty offers stock incentives for agents has made it a game-changer in real estate.  An innovation on the traditional brokerage model, eXp Realty helps agents become shareholders who share in the company's financial growth and success.

Ticker Symbol:  EXPI

eXp Realty is a publicly traded company listed on the Nasdaq. Agents start earning stock upon the sale of their first home, in addition to their regular commission. 

First Deal = $200 in stock

Agents who close their first transaction with eXp Realty automatically receive $200 worth of stock every year, so the number of shares can quickly grow.

Recruit Fellow Agents

Agents who encourage their colleagues and friends to join the team can earn $400 worth of EXPI stock for each agent, after they close their first transaction. 

Exclusively for eXp Agents

The stock is available to anyone with the funds, but only eXp Realty agents automatically receive stock awards when they close transactions or achieve certain milestones.

Hit the Cap, Earn $400

Agents who reach or exceed their annual commission cap automatically receive a stock value of eXp Realty shares worth $400.

Exclusive 10% Discount

Agents have the opportunity to purchase stock at a 10% discount if they allow 5% of their commission to be withheld. 

Attention Top Producers!

This might be interesting to you if receiving up to $16,000 in eXp Realty stock (your annual cap) sounds appealing.  With eXp Realty, agents who achieve certain production levels or meet specific cultural requirements can receive up the annual cap back in the form of stock awards.  

Disclaimers and Caveats

Of course, as with many other things in life, there are exceptions, limitations and disclaimers that have to be mentioned.  eXp Realty stock awards have a three-year vesting period, and this is not an official eXp Realty website.  For insights or guidance on this, contact Frances today.

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